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        Teaching aims: (教學(xué)目標(biāo))

        1. To comprehend the passage and improve the reading skills.

        2. To express different views of an argument.

        3. To learn about how advertisements work and avoid being controlled by ads.


        Important points:(重點(diǎn)、難點(diǎn))

        1. Comprehension of the text.

        2. Knowledge accumulation of advertising.

        3. Useful words and expressions.


        I. Warming up

        Please enjoy a video and some pictures and answer some questions.

        1. Can you remember the names of any products that were being advertised? If so, why does this ad appeal to you more?

        2. What are the features(特征) of ads?

        3. Where can you see ads?


        II. Fast reading

        1. The purpose of the passage is to __________.

        A. inform us of the fact that there are many advertisements in or daily life.

        B. help us understand how ads work and avoid being controlled by them.

        C. tell us how effective ads are

        D. show us how effective ads can be made

        2. Scan the headings of each section and get a general understanding of the text.

        Sum up the main idea of each section


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