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      人教版高中英語選修8《Unit 1 A land of diversity》教案


        人教版高中英語選修8《Unit 1 A land of diversity》教案【一】



        三、 教學目標


        1)能從文中獲取主要信息,如獲取What happened to the Native Americans after the arrival of the Europeans? After all those sufferings, did all Native Americans choose to leave the land? How do you know (from the text)? 等直接信息能力;

        2)能從文本中加工和處理信息,如What did the Spanish do to the Native Americans in the 16th century?(此問題需提取數(shù)個段落的文本信息)

        Two groups of immigrants had something in common. What are they? (double choices) Why? (此問題需要學生從文字的表面信息加工處理后方可得到答案)liuxue86.com

        3)能透過信息表層思考人文精神,培養(yǎng)學生的發(fā)散性思維與批判性思維,如what do you think of the Native Americans who survived and stayed at CA?

        How do you think the Europeans could have succeeded in making the Native Americans slaves or even kill them?

        Do you think language plays an important part in a culture? 等。




        How do you think the Europeans could have succeeded in making the Native Americans slaves or even kill them?

        Do you think language plays an important part in a culture?


        四、 教學過程

        Step1 Lead-in and Brainstorming(5 mins)

        1. 導入并揭題

        T: As you can see in the title, in this unit, we are going t talk about the USA, a land of diversity. Now how much do you know about this land? Let’s h...

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