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      人教版高中英語選修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案


        人教版高中英語選修6《Unit 3 A healthy life》教案【一】



        Teaching aims:

        a) to make students clear what a healthy life is about.

        b) to enable students to use the grammatical structure “It”.


        Teaching points:the skill Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.

        Difficult points: how to make every student get involved in class learning actively and attentively.


        Teaching procedures:

        Step 1: lead- in

        After exchanging greetings, the student on duty gives a daily report based on the given topic “ a healthy life” which is also the title of this unit.

        Step 2: learning tasks presentation:

        Unit 3 A Healthy Life

        Section 1: How to keep healthy in both body and mind?

        (1). What is a healthy person?

        (2). What is an unhealthy person?

        (3). How to make some changes?

        Section2: A Serious Problem ------ smoking

        Why? Harmful effects? Ways to quit?

        By presenting the above contents , the students can have a clear mind what we are going to learn in this class and it can greatly improve our teaching and learning efficiency.

        Step 3: the detailed learning

        This part includes not only vocabulary but also some useful expressions.

        (1). A discussion topic is: what ...

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