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      人教版高中英語選修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案


        人教版高中英語選修6《Unit 4 Global warming》教案【一】



        Teaching Aims:

        In this class Ss will be able to

       ?、?practice skimming and scanning for information needed like what are the two concerns and what are Earth Care’s suggestions.

       ?、?Master the phrases such as: put up with, so long as, and so on, make a difference, have no effect on … , by making sentences or by using them into the post er.

       ?、?become aware of the serious effects of global warming and the importance of saving energy to be environmentally friendly.

        ④ Summarize the points according to their understanding.

       ?、?work together to design a poster by using the suggestions in the article.


        Teaching Difficulties:

        Students may find it hard to add more suggestions about how to save energy in our daily life and to summarize the points according to those suggestions. Students may not know clear what is a poster and how to design an attractive and persuasive poster in short time.


        Teaching Procedure:

        Step1. Lead-in (individual & collective work)

        1. Teacher begins the class by asking: Have you ever seen the movie The Day After Tomorrow? and then let students enjoy a short movie clip with the following two questions:

       ?、?What kinds of disasters have you seen in the film?

       ?、?Can you guess how they ca...

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