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        wear1 ['wε?]
        1. 穿(衣服等);戴(首飾等);佩(武器等):例句: On the first day he went to school,the boy wore
      his school cap proudly.上學(xué)的第一天,男孩驕傲地戴上了他的校帽。(為顯示身份等)佩帶著:例句: to wear the
      heavyweight crown帶著沉甸甸的王冠穿著流行的時裝;打扮:例句: a style that is much worn非常流行的式樣
        2. (面容等)顯出,呈現(xiàn):例句: to wear a smile面帶笑容
        3. 裝著,帶著:例句: to wear dentures戴假牙
        4. 蓄留著(須、發(fā)等):例句: to wear a beard蓄胡須
        5. (船)升(旗);掛(旗):例句: The ship is wearing its colours那條船掛著船旗。
        6. 消耗;削弱,減少;耗損,磨損(常與 away 連用):例句: The footsteps of thousands of
        visitors had worn away the steps of Mountain Tai.數(shù)以千計的游客的腳步磨損了泰山上的臺階。
        7. 用成,磨成;擦成:例句: to wear a coat to 弗激締刻郫灸惦熏定抹rags把外套穿得破爛不堪
        8. 磨出,擦出:例句: to wear a hole in the sole of one's shoe鞋底磨出了洞
        9. 使疲乏,使筋疲力盡;折磨:例句: to be worn down with fatigue因勞累而疲乏不堪
        10. 消磨(時間)(常與away或 out 連用):例句: to wear away the night in
        11. 使形成習(xí)慣
        12. [口語][常用于否定句]接受,允許:例句: “I was going to go boating with my classmates
      this Sunday,but I don't think my father will wear it,”the boy told

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