出國留學網(wǎng)專題頻道力所不及欄目,提供與力所不及相關(guān)的所有資訊,希望我們所做的能讓您感到滿意! 解 釋 及:達到。憑自己的力量不能做到。 出 處 宋·釋惠洪《石門文字禪》:"平生所未見之文,公力所不及之義,備聚其中。"
成語名稱:力所不及 lì suǒ bù jí
[成語解釋] 及:達到。憑自己的力量不能做到。
[成語出處] 宋·釋惠洪《石門文字禪》:“平生所未見之文;公力所不及之義;備聚其中?!?/p>
[正音] 不;不能讀作“bú”。
[辨形] 力;不能寫作“利”。
[近義] 力不能支 力不從心 無能為力
[反義] 得心應手 力所能及 無所欲為
[用法] 含貶義。多用在書面語里。一般作謂語、定語、賓語。
[結(jié)構(gòu)] 主謂式。
[辨析] ~和“力不從心”有別:“力不從心”是心有余而力不足;表示主觀愿望與客觀實際有矛盾;~沒有“心有余”的含義。
[例句] 作為一個普通的縣委書記;他意識到有些問題確實是自己~;想解決也解決不了的。
力所不及 ( lì suǒ bù jí )解 釋 及:達到。憑自己的力量不能做到。
出 處 宋·釋惠洪《石門文字禪》:“平生所未見之文,公力所不及之義,備聚其中。”
用 法 主謂式;作謂語、定語、賓語;含貶義
示 例 ~的事情我們也要想辦法去做
近義詞 力不能支、力不從心、無能為力
反義詞 得心應手、力所能及、為所欲為
· One’s brain child某人的主意,某人想出來的
等同于one’s original idea
one’ brain children(復數(shù))
The new ways of teaching which have been proved very effective are brain children of all teaching staff of our department.
· Have a chip on one’s shoulder叫陣,叫板
He is not popular among his peers. He always seems to have a chip on his shoulder.
Mary has got a chip on her shoulder about not having obtained the scholarship.
· Clam up守口如瓶,拒不開口,沉默不語
I don’t understand why my students are quite talkative during the break but all clam up in class.
· Take someone to the cleaners使人囊中如洗,一貧如洗
Don’t ask me to play in a crap game. I don’t want to be the cleaners.
· A cliff-hanger扣人心玄的事情
Peter was nearly involved in a car accident. He called it a narrow escape. But it was really a cliff-hanger.
· Fight the clock爭分奪秒,與時間賽跑
等同于work against the clock
If you don’t fight the clock to enrich yourself, you will surely be lagged behind soon.
· A clotheshorse講究穿戴的人
Princess Diana was a real clotheshorse. It’s hard to imagine how much she had spent on clothes.
· Get hot under the collar發(fā)怒,怒氣沖天
Make someone hot under the collar
He got hot under the collar when he found his bicycle was missing.
· Come through with flying colors干得出色,大獲成功
In th...