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      標簽: 實習生 北京

       2012年02月07日 10時46分,《招聘資訊:霍尼韋爾(北京)招聘實習生》由出國留學網(wǎng)liuxue86.com編輯整理.

      有意者請將簡歷發(fā)至 Lei.Li2@Honeywell.com 或者 Bin.Dong@Honeywell.com

      Honeywell Technology Solutions China- Hardware Engineer

      General Info:
      Working Location: Beijing
      Duration: 3 month
      Academic Requirement: Master in EE, Automation, Industry Control, Computer, or equivalent; Language Skills: Good command of English in oral and written

      Key Responsibilities:
      Platform evaluation
      Hardware debug and testing

      Qualifications and Experience:
      Familiar with analog circuit and digital circuit design and simulation
      Familiar with MCU or ARM development


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