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      小學(xué)作文100字:忙碌的星期六(Busy Saturdays)


        忙碌的星期六(Busy Saturdays)

        I don't like Saturday at all. Because I am too busy to enjoy myself. In the morning, I go to school to have classes from 8:00 to 11:30. In the afternoon, I play the violin with the classmates from 2 to 4.

        In the evening, I have to go to an evening school.When I get back, I only want to have a sound sleep. Sometimes I'm as busy as a bee. I would like to have a free Saturday of my own.

      初中英語作文:初二英語范文 忙碌的星期六(Busy Saturdays)


      標(biāo)簽: 英語作文網(wǎng) 英語


      I don't like Saturday at all. Because I am too busy to enjoy myself. In the morning, I go to school to have classes from 8:00 to 11:30. In the afternoon, I play the violin with the classmates from 2 to 4.

      In the evening, I have to go to an evening school.When I get back, I only want to have a sound sleep. Sometimes I'm as busy as a bee. I would like to have a free Saturday of my own.

      《初中英語作文:初二英語范文 忙碌的星期六(Busy Saturdays)》由留學(xué)liuxue86.com編輯整理

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