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        Describe an old person you know and you respect

        Describe a person you enjoy talking with

        Describe a good neighbor

        Describe an interesting person/a friend you first met

        Describe a person has important job

        Describe a polite person

        Describe a child/teenager 雅思口語 范文答題思路

        第一段: 總體介紹general introduction

        第二段: 人物的外貌描述the description of appearance

        第三段: 具體特點的描述:

        第四個: 人物的個性 personality

        第五段: 對人物的評價 your comments to this person.


        Ambitious 野心勃勃

        Considerate =thoughtful 體貼的,周到的

        Devoted =dedicated 奉獻(xiàn)的,

        Generous慷慨的 ----stingy 吝嗇的=economical節(jié)儉的,會過日子的。

        Hospitable 熱情好客的

        Humorous 有幽默感的 a sense of humor

        Loyal to=faithful to 對。。。忠誠的

        Open-minded 思想開放的--- traditional 傳統(tǒng)的=conservative 保守的

        Pessimistic 悲觀的---- optimistic 樂觀的

        Responsible 負(fù)責(zé)任的----Irresponsible


        Unselfish 無私的

        Confident 自信的

        Courageous =brave 勇敢的

        Dependable =reliable 可靠地

        Gentle ----rude

        Humble =modest 謙虛的

        Reserved 不愛說話的=quiet Talkative 愛說話的=outspoken

        Approachable 平易近人的=easygoing

        Hard-working=diligent 勤奮的


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