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        Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness,some common interests.下面是出國留學網(wǎng)為大家精選的朋友友情英語名人名言,希望對大家喜歡!更多精彩名言請關注出國留學網(wǎng)!


        1、Long together share sb.’s joys and sorrows together, in order to have friends with complete mutual understanding長期在一起同甘共苦共患難,才能有莫逆之交。 --(古羅馬)西塞羅

        2、Love, friendship, respect, do not unite people as much as a common hatred for something. 愛情、友誼和尊敬都不如對某物的共同的恨那樣能把人們團結(jié)起來?!狢hekhow

        3、Some components of a thriving friendship are honesty, naturalness, thoughtfulness,some common interests.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 確保友誼常青的要素是:誠實、樸實自然、體貼和某些共同興趣。---美國思想家 愛默生

        4、Suspicion is the poison of friendship .---St, Augustine, Bishop of hippo 懷疑是對友誼所下的毒藥。---希波主教 圣奧古斯丁

        5、The course of true love never did run smooth. 通向真愛的路從無坦途?!猄hakespeare

        6、The only way to have a friend is to be one.---Ralph Waldo Emerson, American thinker 唯一能獲得朋友的辦法就是自己先當個朋友。---美國思想家 愛默生

        7、the principle of training, and understanding to care人生離不開友誼,但要得到真正的友誼才是不容易;友誼總需要忠誠去播種,用熱情去灌溉,用原則去培養(yǎng),用諒解去護理。 --(德)馬克思

        8、True friendship is like health, not to lose, can not appreciate the precious真摯的友誼猶如健康,不到失卻時,無法體味其珍貴。 --(英)培根

        9、Where there is marriage without love, there will be love without marriage. 有沒有愛情的婚姻,就會有沒有婚姻的愛情?!狟enjam...

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