雅思口語話題:Interesting Story On TV
Describe an interesting story you saw on TV
You should say:
what the story was ①
when you watched it ②
who was in the story ③
and explain why you remember it ④
?、?I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about.
?、?The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.
③ I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.
?、?This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.
"Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now perf...
The birth of cars have made an enormous change to our life.in the past,we travel from one place to another only by foot,nowaday,cars can do it .its goes withour saying that the invention of cars bring great benefit to all of us.but as proverb goes:no garden without weeds.car is not exception.
Owing a car has a lot of advantages.for one thing,car provide us the most convient way of transportation.we can get around freely without spenting a lot of time.emotionally,i always found driving is so exciting.for another,its the comfortable to drive a car.In winter.drivers always can stay warm and dry even in rainy whether,in addition,drivers are usually safe in their cars when they are out at night.
Cars bring the human merits,their side-effects graudually come to the surface.firstly,to run a car need a lot of oil,which is getting less and less.the increasing number of cars contribute the lacking of energy.secondlly,as more and more cars are used,the traffic ecpecially in big cities is getting heaver and heavier,which lead to the serious social problem--traffic jam.in addition,the inceasing numbers of cars ,which excaust sent a huge quantities of carbon monoxide into atmosphere.it make the air of cities unbreathabe,it strip people contact with frensh air.
Therefore,the new energy should be explored to replace the oil so that our envionmental pollution can be avioded .and the...
雅思口語話題:Interesting Story On TV
Describe an interesting story you saw on TV
You should say:
what the story was ①
when you watched it ②
who was in the story ③
and explain why you remember it ④
?、?I'm pretty sure everyone got a clue of what "The Terminator" is about.
② The story is about the war between Human and Cyborgs:A terminator is sent from the future to prevent John Connor being borned. John Connor is the leader of those who fight against the terminators. The terminator's job is then to hunt down the mother of the leader, Sarah Connor.
?、?I first saw the film version at the age of six or seven and unsurprisingly it confused me. A few years later I caught it again on Television and loved it. I was browsing through New Oriental School's video stores a few months ago and it caught my eye and brought me back to childhood.
④ This is the most groundbreaking action TV back in the day. The story develops quickly and each character is different. I watched closely to understand what's happening and there's no way you could fall asleep.There are good performances and tons of humorous bits throughout the episodes that lighten up such a suspenseful, frightening story.
"Terminator" is an impressive masterpiece because it offers me food for meditation. Science now perf...
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《how to prepare for ielts》其他任何備考書都可以不買,這本必須買!用過的人都說,這是目前最接近真題的材料了。
《insight into ielts》由劍橋大學雅思培訓專家編寫,劍橋大學出版社出版。系英聯(lián)邦國家雅思培訓機構專用教材。此書提供的實例,特別是聽力口語資料均選自雅思考試庫,最為接近雅思考試真題。向來被奉為雅思培訓領域的精典教材,中國雅思培訓機構的如新東方、環(huán)球均將此書作為自己編輯教材的第一手資料。此書有雅思培訓“圣經(jīng)”之稱。屬于雅思殺手級材料。2004年,出品了姊妹篇《insight into ielts extra》。
透析1是紫皮,¥50左右,透析2是深綠色,一書一磁帶。透析2不錯?!?01 helpful hints for ielts 》、《202 useful exercises for ielts》,雖說可能有些過時了,但確是很重要的基礎訓練教材。尤其是內容基本涵蓋了Australia的背景,另外對數(shù)字和字母的發(fā)音訓練極其有用。
《focus on ielts 》劍橋剛出不久,基本上囊括所有背景知識與詞匯。
《cambrdige ielts 1》、《cambrdige ielts 2》、《cambrdige ielts 3》每本書帶有4套a類訓練題、2套g類訓練題。不用多說了,建議考前拿來作模擬考試訓練。
聽力:把《劍橋雅思題型透析3》《王陸807》《聽見英國》《北語黑眼睛專項練習》《北語黑眼睛聽力模擬試題集》依次做完, 每天聽寫1 分鐘BBC , BBC 使用方法:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-504149-1-1.html
閱讀:用《考官推薦劍橋原文范文閱讀95篇》來練速度,一天4 到5 篇左右,分析文章主旨和段落大意,時間控制在20分鐘左右,覺得自己差不多了就開始縮短閱讀時間,然后做《雅思閱讀真經(jīng)5》和《九分達人2》。
口語:口語按照機經(jīng)和預測來練習,把自己說的錄下來,聽了之后反復修改文本,參考《十天突破雅思口語》和雅思口語救星認真做自己的口語模板,可以用當天聽寫的BBC 來正音~
詞匯:整理劍1-9 的生詞并記憶,每天備考時間比較充足可以背新東方的托福單詞書,每天備考時間少于4 小時的背新東方的雅思單詞書即可。
真題:考前兩個半月開始做真題,總共做三輪,劍4-9 即可(共24 套題),每次做的時候最好是一個完整的時間,如果條件允許,最好從早上9 點開始做。第一輪,對照解析和文本看自己哪里錯了(在尚友雅思論壇上可下載,無需打印),并把錯誤原因寫出來,最后做一個統(tǒng)計,看看最容易錯的地方是哪里,并在下一輪做題時注意避免,作文按照當月預測寫。第二輪,加快做題速度,盡量18 分鐘一篇閱讀,自己分析自己哪里做錯了,最后做一個統(tǒng)計,同第一輪,聽力錯得最多的一個section要聽寫~作文按真題的題目寫。第三輪,爭取把聽力中的每一個單詞都聽懂,閱讀15 分鐘一篇,但是要保證正確率哦,作文按當月預測寫!
聽力:把《王陸807》《北語黑眼睛專項練習》《北語黑眼睛聽力模擬試題集》依次做完,每周聽寫4 次1 分鐘BBC , BBC 使用方法:http://www.sharewithu.com/thread-504149-1-1.html
閱讀:做《九分達人2》,一天4到5篇左右,認真分析文章主旨和段落大意,時間控制在20 分鐘左右,覺得自己差不多了就開始縮短做題時間。
寫作:作文參考劍橋范文和《雅思8 分萬能作文》來寫,利用零碎時間背《十天突破雅思寫作》上的好詞好句,每周大小作文各四篇,考前一個月每天大小作文各一篇,用上當天背的好詞好句~題目可參考尚友雅思論壇里的機經(jīng)和預測。
雅思閱讀題庫:The College
Read the passage below about a college in the city of Bath, written in 1985, and answer the questions that follow.
The college has the advantage of location in one of the most attractive cities in the country. Within the city of Bath it occupies modem buildings in a landscaped garden on Sion Hill, Lansdown and an adjacent Georgian Crescent, Somerset Crescent, which includes teaching and residential accommodation for post-graduate studies. It also occupies three houses in Sydney Place, which are used for studio and workshop accommodation for part-time courses in the Visual Arts and for the Foundation Course in Art and Design.
The Newton Park site is situated four miles west of Bath between the villages of Newton St Loe and Corston. Within the grounds are a Georgian mansion, where the college's central administration is located, an Elizabethan dairy, stables and the tower of a medieval manor house: all these older buildings have been adapted to present-day use. A new purpose-built Home Economics block was opened in January 1985. During 1986 a new Sports hall will be completed and new residential blocks are under construction to be completed ready for the start of the academic year in September 1986; a new Music block will be completed in 1987.
The Art and Design degree courses which are currently...
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