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        1. Our teachers are willing to work creatively to understand the true meaning of education, I hope our children learn to enjoy the autonomy of a happy childhood.

        2. The face of children, there is love there is a sense of responsibility will be with a sense of responsibility to pay will always love action.

        3. Concerned about the children carefully, intentions to accept the child, the child experiences intentions

        4. The outside world is very exciting, the children of the world more cute, I would like to immersion in the child's inner world beautiful string music harmony

        5. I would like to dedicate all their kids love, so that they run the starting line in life a good first step

        6. Let me into the world's heart, and with the growth of children.

        7. Appreciated the education equivalent to the square of education.

        8. Education skills to teachers on how to release the children love.

        9. Passed on to the happineof each child, so that children become more beautiful and wonderful world.

        10. To do a child's teacher, the child's friend first.

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