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      新托福考試:2012.4.22 中國大陸托??谡Z題參考回答(王京竹)


      標(biāo)簽: 中國 參考 王京竹

         Personally, I'd like to suggest this friend not to drop out of school for two reasons.First, studying in a university can provide him with knowledge in a great number of different areas, such as knowledge in accounting and computer science. What they learn will make them succeed in the future competition.Secondly, he can meet some top professors in his major area in the university.
         And by listening to these people's lessons, one can broaden his vision and get the latest information in his field.All in all, these are the reasons why I'd like to recommend him keep studying in the university.
        Task 2
        Personally, I strongly agree with the statement that if student submit their assignments after the deadline, teachers should deduct their scores because of two reasons. First of all, students will be required to do some assignments such as reading some articles or writing some essays. Teachers can help students to review what they have learned in class in time by pushing them to complete projects before the due day. What is more, in this way, teachers can manage their students effectively. However, if teachers do not deduct students' scores when they submit their assignments late, other students will not turn in their assignment on time. In conclusion, I agree that if students do not submit their assignment in time, teachers should deduct their scores.
        Task 3

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