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      英語詩歌欣賞:Ode To The Sea 至大海



        下面是出國留學(xué)網(wǎng)帶來的英語詩歌欣賞:Ode To The Sea 至大海,歡迎閱讀。


        Pablo Neruda 巴勃魯·聶魯達(dá)(1904~1973),原名內(nèi)夫塔利·里加爾多·雷耶斯·巴索阿爾托,智利當(dāng)代著名詩人。主要作品有《二十首情詩和一支絕望的歌》(1924)和《詩歌總集》(1950)。


        Ode To The Sea 至大海(中英對照)

        ---Pablo Neruda

        Here surrounding the island there is sea

        But what sea

        lt's always overflowing

        says " Yes," then“No," then "No"again.

        And "No,"says"Yes" in blue,

        in sea spray raging,

        says "No" and "No" again.

        It can't be still.

        It stammers "my name is sea."

        It slaps the rocks,

        and when they aren't convinced

        Strokes them and soaks them

        and smolders them with kisses.

        with seven green tongues of seven green dogs,

        Or seven green tigers, or Seven green seas

        Beating its chest, stammering its name.

        Oh, sea, this is your name.

        oh, comrade ocean, don't waste time

        or water getting so upset.

        Help us instead.

        We're meager fishermen,

        men from the shore.

        We're hungry and cold

        and you're our foe.

        Don't beat so hard, don't shout so loud.

        Open your green coffers.

        Place gifts of silver in our hands.

        Give us this day our daily fish.


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