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        Today I am happy to play for a day! Get up in the morning I picked up my PSP, play to 9 PM, my mother took me to play badminton. Come back it was already noon, after lunch, I again write three pages of math problem. Then looked up almost 2 o 'clock. Hurriedly take a bath, have a rest. 3 PM I will play computer, ha ha. This afternoon I play computer for three hours, very happy. To grandma's home for dinner in the evening nice day.

        Today I had a great time, do I like things, play PSP, play badminton, write a math problem, play computer games on the Internet.

        Night mother help me to query the seeds mathematical training class divide into classes, is I want to go to class

        Mama said, after efforts, only their own strength to get the option, just like this time, my score would it be possible for me to choose its own class, the teacher and the class time. I will continue to work hard!



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