那一天,無意中看到了他的照片,他的俊氣與可愛在我眼前展現(xiàn)得淋漓盡致,仿佛他就活生生的站在我面前。三年了,他走了三年了?! ∥矣肋h也忘不了他離開我們的那一個晚上。記得,那天是冬至,天氣是史無前例的冷,還下著陰冷的雨。我不知道這是否是他離開我們的前奏,我只覺得他的突然離去讓我難以接受!白天我們還在一起玩耍一起嬉戲,晚上吃飯的時候他還好好地,我還給了他最喜歡吃的骨頭,但是沒想到,在吃完飯不久他就痛得嗷嗷大叫,整個身體都動彈不得,我們都嚇呆了,爸爸也手足無措,我們眼見著他痛苦地掙扎卻無能為力!最后他走了,我親眼看著他閉上了眼,無論我怎么喊他的名字他都聽不見了!爸爸撫摸著他的頭,我分明看到了爸爸眼眶里的淚水。媽媽和弟弟都傷心地看著他,阿四也在一旁心痛地直叫。我一頭扎到被窩里,哭濕了枕頭,哭濕了被子。 他叫狗雄,我們?nèi)叶际謱櫵麗鬯?,但是外面的人就是不喜歡他,也許是因為他太強太優(yōu)秀了,三番兩次的想打他,但他是如此的聰敏,每次都能化險為夷。然而那一次,他被打得血肉模糊,他的一只腿被打瘸了,脊背也骨折了,不知道他是怎樣沖出重圍拖著血淋淋的身體回了家,我們都驚呆了,為他心痛著。爸爸媽媽小心翼翼地為他包扎傷口,我和弟弟準(zhǔn)備了他最喜歡的飯菜,阿四心疼的在一旁看著他。在我們精心照料下,一個月之后,他能走路了,精神也很好,我們是多么開心啊,以為他全好了,然而在冬至那晚,他還是離我們而去了?! ∷桶⑺氖悄缸?,他們都是我們家的寶貝。現(xiàn)在就只剩下阿四孤零零的了,阿四老了,我好怕,終有一天,阿四也會離我們而去。今年過年,我們一家坐在火爐旁烤火,阿四也撒嬌似地靠著爸爸,看著她,我不禁問媽媽,狗的壽命到底有多長? 其實不管有多長,我們都會珍惜和她一起的時光。雖然阿四和狗雄都只是一條狗,但在我們心里,他們是我們的家庭成員。我們對他們就像對待親人一樣!盡量給他們吃最好的,還幫他們做了一個溫暖的狗窩。平時我和弟弟都很愛和他們玩,爸爸媽媽也經(jīng)常撫摸他們,表示對他們的撫愛。而他們也肆無忌憚的接受我們對他們的寵愛,如果我們出門一下,回來時他們就像很久沒見似的,跑到門口開心地迎接我們,還一個勁地往我們身上蹭,舔我們的手,跟我們親熱。他們很乖巧懂事,而且善解人意。記得有一次媽媽去地里除草,狗雄也跟著她去,還一直陪著她,太陽很大,媽媽叫他先回家,他不走。媽媽只好任著他,埋頭除草了。到了傍晚,媽媽才突然記起狗雄,抬頭卻不見他了,媽媽很擔(dān)心,不知道他認不認得回去的路,是不是平安回到家了,她趕忙飛快地騎上車疾馳。一進家門,就見狗雄興奮地跑出來迎接她,媽媽忐忑的心這才放下了。還有一次,爸爸媽媽去很遠的地方吃喜酒,別人都叫他們在那兒玩兩天再回家,他們說什么就是不肯,原來他們是擔(dān)心家里的阿四和狗雄沒有人喂,怕他們餓了,擔(dān)心他們寂寞啊!可見,他們在我們心里是多么重要,我們的感情是多么深了! 然而,快樂總是那么短暫,狗雄走了,他離開我們?nèi)チ肆硪粋€世界。縱使有太多的不舍與留戀,他都不可能再回到我們身邊了,一切都成了回憶。生命中,不斷地有人和物的離開或進入,于是,看見的,看不見了;存在的,逝去了。然而,看不見的,是不是就等于不存在了?逝去的是不是就要將它遺忘?生命是如此的脆弱,很多東西很多事情是很難預(yù)料的,有些事發(fā)生了就是發(fā)生了,有些人和物離開了就是離開了,我們無法改變也無法再重來,唯一能做的是珍惜現(xiàn)在所擁有的一切,善待我們身邊的所有的人和事! 狗雄雖然逝去,但他永遠不會被我們遺忘;雖然我們看不見他了,但他永遠存在在我們的生命中!我們對狗雄的情意未了…… 現(xiàn)在才知道,葉在落盡時才知道什么叫珍惜;人在離別...
When she was tired with hunting Artemis used to take abath in a little mountain hot summer afternoon she was playing in the cool,quiet water with hermaidens when she heard a rustle behind the bushes feltquite angry to find that a young hunter was peeping admiringlyat her naked body maidens gave a sharp cry and crowded around the young Actaeon had seen the huntress.
Actaeon loved the had been searching the woods every this particular afternoon he felt so tired with running about that he,by accident,came over to the springin search of was thus surprised to find Artemisba angry goddess was not to be splashed water in the hunter's soon as the water drops fell on Actaeon,he was changed into a stag at that moment he heard the barking of his team of fifty hunting were coming up to was suddenly seized with fear ,and presently ran dogs,all driven mad by the goddess,ran after him ing as fast as his legs could carry him,Actaeon was soon out of breath ing certain that he 1was to die,he dropped to the ground and made no further attempt to get dogs came nearer to their former masterand tore him to pleces.
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These are monetary awards, usually based on academic excellence coupled with other criteria including, but not limited to, career pursuits, volunteer activity, and active community participation. Some awards also take financial need into account.
If you wish to apply for an award, it is important to follow the application instructions exactly. In the past, students have been disqualified for incomplete or inaccurate submissions. Instructions for each award are included within the award description.
Alberta Historical Resources Foundation Research Presentation Awards
DONOR: Alberta Historical Resources Foundation and Athabasca University | |
VALUE: $1000 | |
Athabasca University’s student awards recognize a variety of achievements and support students in financial need. Criteria varies for different awards, but generally in order to qualify you must successfully complete at least one AU course. We do not offer entrance scholarships.
AU scholarships are available for students at all levels of study
undergraduate (including certificates and diplomas),master’s (including certificates and diplomas) and doctoral.
Some scholarships are based strictly on academic achievement – you don’t need to apply for these nomination awards. Most of our scholarships are application awards – these focus on academic excellence and other criteria that can include
career pursuits,volunteer activity and active community participation.
In addition to the many AU awards available, our Student Awards site provides links to a number of external awards that may benefit you.
Awards for Undergraduate Students
Scholarships & Awards Via Application (Application Required)
These are monetary awards, usually based on academic excellence coupled with other criteria including, but not limited to, career pursuits, volunteer activity, and active community participation. Some awards also take financial need into account.
Applying for an Award
If you wish to apply for an award, it is important to follow the application instructions...
Master of Counselling
The following fees are effective for courses starting September 1, 2016 to August 31, 2017. All fees are quoted in Canadian dollars and are subject to change.
Master of Counselling Fees
Program application fee (non-refundable) required each time a person applies: | $150 |
Program admission fee (payable upon acceptance into the program and non-refundable) | $200 |
Non-program application fee (non-refundable) required only once: |